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32 Goldstein and Michael Mussa (1993), The Integration of World Capital Markets, IMF Working Paper. Khan (1985), Interest Rate Determination in Developing Countries, IMF Staff Papers, Vol. Cuthbertson, K (1988), The Demand for Money Ml: A Forward Looking Buffer Stock Model, Oxford Economic Papers 40. Chariansjah (1995), Analisis Integrasi Keuangan Pasar Keuangan Regional dan Dunia: Pendekatan Paritas Suku Bunga Tertutup Pada Pasar Keuangan Indonesia 1987.07-1994.09, Skripsi Sarjana FE UGM, tidak dipublikasikan.

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Brouwer Gordon de (1994), Financial Integration in Western Pacific Economies, Working Paper The Second Conference on 'APEC: NAFTA/ASEAN/SAARC'. 3 Argy, Victor and Zoran Hodjera (1973), financial Integration and Interest Rate Linkages in Industrial Countries, 1958-71, IMF Staff Papers, Vol 20. Ariff, Mohamed (1996), Effects of financial Liberalization on four Southeast Asian Financial Markets, 1973-94, ASEAN Economic Bulletin, Vol.